Proud Partner of Soirées aux Flambeaux
March 10 2020, St-Jérôme Auto Dépôt

For the 8th consecutive year, the St-Jérôme Auto Dépôt SuperCenter and the Carbur Group are very proud to partner with Soirées aux Flambeaux in Rivière-du-Nord Park.
Several thousand people took part in these two (2) events. They were able to walk with us through the animated and illuminated paths of the park. Visitors were able to walk the trails on foot or snowshoes over a distance of 3 km. The crowd was very excited to be here with us.
Wilson Falls had put on their 31 with this beautiful and magical decor, a decor as we don’t see often enough! On the course, more than 150 torches led to several activities, each of which was equally enjoyable! Cardio warming, percussion, photo booth, mini-farm, storytelling and songwriting were all there. This is without forgetting our superb booth with two (2) vehicles bearing the image of St-Jérôme Auto Dépôt SuperCenter & of the Carbur Group.
During these evenings, we were very happy to meet you, and as usual, we wanted to spoil you! That was the reason for our little contest: The Perfect Evening! You were given the chance to win a Spa & Massage evening with the person of your choice. To see our grand prize winner, we invite you to visit one of our Facebook pages.
Next time, you will come and squeeze the clamp! So, until then, see you next year!